Your Rights
Your Rights During
Mergers & Acquisitions
Mergers & Acquisitions are an integral part of the financial world with transactions often reaching into the billions of dollars. Although company management and boards of directors are obligated maximize shareholder value when contemplating a sale, there are times when their interests and the interests of the shareholders they serve diverge.
For example, company insiders may prefer a particular transaction that offers them certain financial incentives, such as post-merger employment opportunities, even while other offers that provide a greater return to shareholders may be available. Also, in some instances, the company may fail to disclose important information regarding a proposed transaction thereby rendering the public shareholders unable to properly vote on whether the transaction should proceed.
The Law Offices of Vincent Wong have significant experience in protecting shareholder rights and in helping shareholders of publicly traded company defend their best interests during sale of the company.
If you believe you have been wronged please contact us and one of our attorneys will contact you. There is no cost or obligation and your message does not automatically establish an attorney-client relationship.
併購是金融世界中一部份,並且有時候交易可以高達數十億美元. 當管理層或董事會預計出售公司時,儘管他們有義務為股東獲得最大利益, 但是有很多時候,他們的利益和股東的利益不一致.
例如, 即使其他交易可能會帶給股東更大的回饋, 公司的內部人士可能選擇某些會帶來他們財政上的利益,好像合併後的就業機會等,的交易. 而且在一些實例中, 有一些公司可能無法公開有關交易的重要消息, 因此令到公眾股東無法正確地決定應不應該繼續交易.
如果你認為你的利益受到損害, 請聯絡我們. 我們的律師會聯絡你. 無需任何費用或責任. 你的信息不會自動建立律師和客戶的關係.